USI - Knowledge Communication USI - Università della Svizzera italiana USI - Knowledge Communication University of St. Gallen


Wissentransfer A visual way of capturing leaving employee's knowledge has been developed by this organization (originally for Credit Suisse):
Know Center The Know Center is one of Europe's most innovative and productive competence centers on knowledge management, communication and visualization.
Simplification Centre
The Simplification Centre focuses on research that helps to make written language clearer and more comprehensible through simpler wording and better information design.


One of the leading on-line sites and communities on mapping knowledge in groups
IIID Expert Forum for Knowledge Presentation Resources for Communication, Forum for discussion, planning, and collaboration
University of Aarhus Knowledge Communication Lab at the University of Aarhus, Denmark
University of Krems Department for Knowledge and Communication Management at the University of Krems, Austria
The Visual Literacy Online Tutorial This site is dedicated to visual literacy or the ability to critically evaluate, use, or create graphic representations of knowledge.


This site is dedicated to the software package we developed in this research project in cooperation with reflact.
Research Program on Knowledge Communication A German research initiative focusing on net-based knowledge communication
Knowledge Media Research Center A research center at the University of Tuebingen which explores concept mapping and other knowledge visualization formats for learning
vasp A specialized communication agency that is a market leader in knowledge visualization
reflact A consulting company that is specialized in structuring processes in the fields of organizational development, strategy, and personnel development through the deployment of new media. Of particular interest are Reflact's actlets, software tools, which help the use to structure and prioritize his knowledge interactively.